08 August 2008

Sight Seeing

While my parents were here we spent a day on a tour around the New Territories of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is made up of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, Outlying Islands, Lan Tau Island and New Territories. They are similar to states but due to Hong Kong being a small country, these areas are close to one another and connected by bridges (except for the outlying islands).

The New Territories is a large area mainly covered by National Park and driving from one side of the New Territories to the other could take 2 and a bit hours depending on where you go.

During the tour we visited a temple that is shared by 3 philosophies - Taoism, Buddhism and Confusim. It was such a beautiful temple and I could have spent more time there exploring the different areas dedicated to the philosophies. The photo below shows the 3 philosophers sitting together.

The temple has this amazing round room that had all the dieties that represented different years. Based on their calculations, I could find my god based on my birth year, time etc and give him offerings for a safe, happy and prosperous year.

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